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DBMS > OpenSearch

OpenSearch Systemeigenschaften

Bitte wählen Sie ein weiteres System aus, um es mit OpenSearch zu vergleichen.

Unsere Besucher vergleichen OpenSearch oft mit Elasticsearch, Microsoft Azure AI Search und Amazon CloudSearch.

Redaktionelle Informationen bereitgestellt von DB-Engines
KurzbeschreibungA distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine forked from Elasticsearch and based on Apache Lucene
Primäres DatenbankmodellSuchmaschine
Sekundäre DatenbankmodelleVektor DBMS
DB-Engines Ranking infomisst die Popularität von Datenbankmanagement- systemenranking trend
Trend Chart
Rang#33  Overall
#4  Suchmaschinen
Technische Dokumentationopensearch.org/­docs/­latest
EntwicklerAmazon Web Services
Aktuelle Version2.5.0, Jänner 2023
Lizenz infoCommercial or Open SourceOpen Source infoApache Version 2.0
Ausschließlich ein Cloud-Service infoNur als Cloud-Service verfügbarnein
DBaaS Angebote (gesponserte Links) infoDatabase as a Service

Providers of DBaaS offerings, please contact us to be listed.
STACKIT OpenSearch offers OpenSearch in a managed version in enterprise grade, 100% GDPR-compliant, for a wide range of applications like analytics, website search, offering scalability and fast data access.
Server BetriebssystemeAlle Betriebssysteme mit einer Java VM
Datenschemaschemafrei infoFlexible Typdefinitionen, die - sobald definiert - persistent bleiben.
Typisierung infovordefinierte Datentypen, z.B. float oder dateja
Sekundärindizesja infoAlle Suchfelder werden automatisch indiziert
SQL infoSupport of SQLSQL-like query language
APIs und andere ZugriffskonzepteJava API
Unterstützte ProgrammiersprachenGo
JavaScript (Node.js)
Ruby infoElasticsearch client
Server-seitige Scripts infoStored Proceduresja
Triggersja infoMittels Verwendung des 'Percolation' features
Partitionierungsmechanismen infoMethoden zum Speichern von unterschiedlichen Daten auf unterschiedlichen KnotenSharding
Replikationsmechanismen infoMethoden zum redundanten Speichern von Daten auf mehreren Knotenja
Konsistenzkonzept infoMethoden zur Sicherstellung der Konsistenz in einem verteilten SystemEventual Consistency infoSynchrone dokumentenbasierte Replikation. Write consistency konfigurierbar: one, quorum, all
Fremdschlüssel inforeferenzielle Integritätnein
Transaktionskonzept infoUnterstützung zur Sicherstellung der Datenintegrität bei nicht-atomaren Datenmanipulationennein
Concurrency infoUnterstützung von gleichzeitig ausgeführten Datenmanipulationenja
Durability infoDauerhafte Speicherung der Datenja
Weitere Informationen bereitgestellt vom Systemhersteller
Specific characteristics

OpenSearch is a highly scalable and extensible open-source software suite for search, analytics, observability, and other data-intensive applications. Powered by Apache Lucene and built and maintained by the OpenSearch Project community, OpenSearch gives developers an end-to-end toolset for building secure, high-performance, cost-efficient solutions to ingest, search, analyze, visualize, and uncover insights from their data.

Competitive advantages

Distributed as fully open source under Apache License, Version 2.0 (ALv2), OpenSearch comes with no licensing cost. Users are free to deploy, enhance, and extend the software as they see fit.

The OpenSearch Project community maintains the OpenSearch codebase in public repositories and invites contributions from the public, with no contributor license agreements or other obstacles to building and collaborating.

OpenSearch is supported by a community of users and vendors. OpenSearch users can add to or improve on the toolset for their own benefit, or contribute their enhancements back to the community.

OpenSearch supports distributed processing, allowing users to scale resources horizontally for added capacity and performance. Highly configurable deployment topologies allow OpenSearch users to fine-tune cost-performance on their clusters. Users can add and manage nodes and clusters from a single interface to keep resources aligned with demand.

A diverse ecosystem of OpenSearch partners offers a rich selection of OpenSearch-powered solutions as well as consulting services to help the community extract added value from OpenSearch tools.

Typical application scenarios

The OpenSearch platform is used across a broad range of search, analytics, and observability applications. Common OpenSearch use cases include, but are not limited to:

Licensing and pricing models

The OpenSearch Project offers open source software licensed under Apache License version 2 (ALv2). There is no cost to download, and you can use, modify, extend, embed, monetize, resell, and offer OpenSearch as you see fit.

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Weitere Ressourcen
Erwähnungen in aktuellen Nachrichten

OfferUp improved local results by 54% and relevance recall by 27% with multimodal search on Amazon Bedrock and Amazon OpenSearch Service
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How to deploy an Amazon OpenSearch cluster to ingest logs from Amazon Security Lake
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Generate vector embeddings for your data using AWS Lambda as a processor for Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion
21. Januar 2025, AWS Blog

Introducing Amazon OpenSearch Service and Amazon Security Lake integration to simplify security analytics
1. Dezember 2024, AWS Blog

New Amazon CloudWatch and Amazon OpenSearch Service launch an integrated analytics experience
1. Dezember 2024, AWS Blog

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