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DBMS > Milvus

Milvus Systemeigenschaften

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Unsere Besucher vergleichen Milvus oft mit Qdrant, Weaviate und PostgreSQL.

Redaktionelle Informationen bereitgestellt von DB-Engines
KurzbeschreibungA DBMS designed for efficient storage of vector data and vector similarity searches
Primäres DatenbankmodellVektor DBMS
DB-Engines Ranking infomisst die Popularität von Datenbankmanagement- systemenranking trend
Trend Chart
Rang#92  Overall
#6  Vektor DBMS
Technische Dokumentationmilvus.io/­docs/­overview.md
Aktuelle Version2.4.4, Mai 2024
Lizenz infoCommercial or Open SourceOpen Source infoApache Version 2.0
Ausschließlich ein Cloud-Service infoNur als Cloud-Service verfügbarnein
DBaaS Angebote (gesponserte Links) infoDatabase as a Service

Providers of DBaaS offerings, please contact us to be listed.
ImplementierungsspracheC++, Go
Server BetriebssystemeLinux
macOS info10.14 or later
Windows infowith WSL 2 enabled
Typisierung infovordefinierte Datentypen, z.B. float oder dateVector, Numeric and String
XML Unterstützung infoVerarbeitung von Daten in XML Format, beispielsweise Speicherung von XML-Strukturen und/oder Unterstützung von XPath, XQuery, XSLTnein
SQL infoSupport of SQLnein
APIs und andere ZugriffskonzepteRESTful HTTP API
Unterstützte ProgrammiersprachenC++
JavaScript (Node.js)
Server-seitige Scripts infoStored Proceduresnein
Partitionierungsmechanismen infoMethoden zum Speichern von unterschiedlichen Daten auf unterschiedlichen KnotenSharding
MapReduce infoBietet ein API für Map/Reduce Operationennein
Konsistenzkonzept infoMethoden zur Sicherstellung der Konsistenz in einem verteilten SystemBounded Staleness
Eventual Consistency
Immediate Consistency
Session Consistency
Tunable Consistency
Fremdschlüssel inforeferenzielle Integritätnein
Transaktionskonzept infoUnterstützung zur Sicherstellung der Datenintegrität bei nicht-atomaren Datenmanipulationennein
Concurrency infoUnterstützung von gleichzeitig ausgeführten Datenmanipulationenja
Durability infoDauerhafte Speicherung der Datenja
In-Memory Unterstützung infoGibt es Möglichkeiten einige oder alle Strukturen nur im Hauptspeicher zu haltenja
Berechtigungskonzept infoZugriffskontrolleRole based access control and fine grained access rights
Weitere Informationen bereitgestellt vom Systemhersteller
Specific characteristics
Milvus is an open-source and cloud-native vector database built for production-ready AI. It was created to store,
index, and manage billion, or even trillion-scale embedding vectors generated by deep neural networks and other machine learning (ML) models.

As a database specifically designed to handle queries over vectors, it is capable of indexing vectors on a trillion
scale. Unlike existing relational databases which mainly deal with structured data following a pre-defined
pattern, Milvus is designed from the bottom-up to handle embedding vectors converted from unstructured data
like emails, papers, IoT sensor data, Facebook photos, protein structures, and much more.
Competitive advantages
  • Highly available, versatile, and robust with millisecond latency.
  • Supports batch and stream data processing in real time.
  • Supports flexible scaling of each component by using Kubernetes to manage its execution engine and separating read, write and other services with microservices.
  • Supports Time Travel with distributed logging.
  • Supports heterogenous computing, which includes support for different types of hardware (CPU, GPU, FPGA, MLU) and instruction sets.
  • Supported by Rich APIs (Python, Node.js, Go, etc.) and tools (Milvus CLI, Attu, etc.) to facilitate DevOps.
  • Supports high performance ANN algorithms like FAISS,HNSW,ANNOY, etc.
Typical application scenarios
  • RAG: retrieval augmented generation
  • Video media: video understanding, video deduplication.
  • E-commerce and mobile applications: image understanding, reverse image search.
  • Finance/Telecommunications/Retail: AI-aided customer support, QA chatbots.
  • Internet: personalized recommender systems, personalized search.
  • Autonomous vehicles: automated data labeling and annotation, object detection.
  • Biopharmaceutical: virtual compound screening, compound retrosynthetic analysis, protein property prediction, and DNA testing.
  • Cybersecurity: malware detection and cyberattack alert.
  • Quantitative trading: data analysis and prediction.
  • Metaverse: environmental perception and interaction in virtual world.

See more in Milvus Bootcamp.

Key customers
Milvus is trusted by thousands of enterprises, including PayPal, eBay, IKEA, LINE, Shopee, Shutterstock, SmartNews, Tencent, Tokopedia, TrendMicro, Walmart, and much more.

See Milvus Adopters for more Milvus users.
Market metrics
As of January 2024,
  • 25k+ GitHub stars
  • 10M+ downloads and installations​
  • 3k+ enterprise adopters
Licensing and pricing models
Milvus was released under the open-source Apache License 2.0 in October 2019.

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Weitere Ressourcen
DB-Engines Blog Posts

Vector databases
2. Juni 2023, Matthias Gelbmann

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Erwähnungen in aktuellen Nachrichten

AI-Powered Search Engine With Milvus Vector Database on Vultr
7. November 2024, SitePoint

Milvus 2.5 Creates the Best of Both Worlds With Hybrid Vector-Keyword Search
17. Dezember 2024, GlobeNewswire

Dance between dense and sparse embeddings: Enabling Hybrid Search in LangChain-Milvus
19. November 2024, Towards Data Science

Open source vector database vendor targets enterprise AI costs with cloud update
19. November 2024, VentureBeat

How NVIDIA GPU Acceleration Supercharged Milvus Vector Database
26. März 2024, The New Stack

bereitgestellt von Google News

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Featured Products

Milvus logo

Vector database designed for GenAI, fully equipped for enterprise implementation.
Try Managed Milvus for Free

RaimaDB logo

RaimaDB, embedded database for mission-critical applications. When performance, footprint and reliability matters.
Try RaimaDB for free.

Datastax Astra logo

Bring all your data to Generative AI applications with vector search enabled by the most scalable
vector database available.
Try for Free

Neo4j logo

See for yourself how a graph database can make your life easier.
Use Neo4j online for free.

SingleStore logo

The data platform to build your intelligent applications.
Try it free.

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