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DBMS > InfluxDB

InfluxDB Systemeigenschaften

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Unsere Besucher vergleichen InfluxDB oft mit TimescaleDB, Prometheus und PostgreSQL.

Redaktionelle Informationen bereitgestellt von DB-Engines
KurzbeschreibungDBMS for storing time series, events and metrics
Primäres DatenbankmodellTime Series DBMS
Sekundäre DatenbankmodelleSpatial DBMS infowith GEO package
DB-Engines Ranking infomisst die Popularität von Datenbankmanagement- systemenranking trend
Trend Chart
Rang#28  Overall
#1  Time Series DBMS
Technische Dokumentationdocs.influxdata.com/­influxdb
Aktuelle Version2.7.6, April 2024
Lizenz infoCommercial or Open SourceOpen Source infoMIT-License; commercial enterprise version available
Ausschließlich ein Cloud-Service infoNur als Cloud-Service verfügbarnein
DBaaS Angebote (gesponserte Links) infoDatabase as a Service

Providers of DBaaS offerings, please contact us to be listed.
Server BetriebssystemeLinux
OS X infothrough Homebrew
Typisierung infovordefinierte Datentypen, z.B. float oder dateNumeric data and Strings
XML Unterstützung infoVerarbeitung von Daten in XML Format, beispielsweise Speicherung von XML-Strukturen und/oder Unterstützung von XPath, XQuery, XSLTnein
SQL infoSupport of SQLSQL-like query language
APIs und andere ZugriffskonzepteHTTP API
Unterstützte Programmiersprachen.Net
JavaScript (Node.js)
Server-seitige Scripts infoStored Proceduresnein
Partitionierungsmechanismen infoMethoden zum Speichern von unterschiedlichen Daten auf unterschiedlichen KnotenSharding infoin enterprise version only
Replikationsmechanismen infoMethoden zum redundanten Speichern von Daten auf mehreren Knotenfrei wählbarer Replikationsfaktor infoin enterprise version only
MapReduce infoBietet ein API für Map/Reduce Operationennein
Fremdschlüssel inforeferenzielle Integritätnein
Transaktionskonzept infoUnterstützung zur Sicherstellung der Datenintegrität bei nicht-atomaren Datenmanipulationennein
Concurrency infoUnterstützung von gleichzeitig ausgeführten Datenmanipulationenja
Durability infoDauerhafte Speicherung der Datenja
In-Memory Unterstützung infoGibt es Möglichkeiten einige oder alle Strukturen nur im Hauptspeicher zu haltenja infoDepending on used storage engine
Berechtigungskonzept infoZugriffskontrolleEinfache Rechteverwaltung mit Benutzeraccounts
Weitere Informationen bereitgestellt vom Systemhersteller
Specific characteristics

InfluxData is the creator of InfluxDB, the open source time series database. It is purpose-built to handle the massive volumes of time-stamped data produced by IoT devices and sensors, applications, containers, VMs and networks. With InfluxDB, developers can build real-time applications for IoT, analytics and cloud-native services quickly and at scale.

InfluxData is focused on developer happiness and meeting developers where they are – in their language of choice, using their preferred tools and wherever they are building applications: in the cloud, on-premises, or locally. InfluxData is also committed to helping developers get up and running faster, so they can focus on other things.

InfluxDB customers range from startups to Fortune 500 enterprises with use cases that span every industry vertical, such as consumer and industrial IoT, security, fintech, renewable energy, and more. There are currently over 750,000 daily active instances of InfluxDB OSS and over 50,000 registered developers using InfluxDB Cloud globally; the community continues to grow rapidly every year.

Competitive advantages

Time to Value

InfluxDB is available in all the popular languages and frameworks, enabling developers to get up and running in minutes, not days or weeks. With easy-to-use quickstarts and documentation, developers can build applications that are open, extensible and easy to deploy.

Community & Ecosystem

InfluxDB has the largest community of cloud and open source developers for time series database solutions. By enabling the community to contribute to and integrate with other ecosystems, InfluxDB has greater resilience, quality, usage and configurability across all use cases. Telegraf, InfluxDB’s open source collection agent, currently has more than 300 plugins that allow developers to not only read and write metrics to and from hundreds of data sources, but transform and filter these metrics as well.

Real Action in Real-Time

InfluxDB delivers visibility with real-time analytics so developers can quickly act on their data, such as identifying patterns, predicting future outcomes, and turning insights into action.

Typical application scenarios

IoT & Sensor Monitoring

Developers are witnessing the instrumentation of every available surface in the material world – from machines to humans. These devices and sensors are generating unprecedented volumes of data and software needs to scale to meet this demand. Developers using InfluxDB can harness the insights data provides in the context of time, enabling them to identify and anticipate trends over time, ensuring mission-critical processes are more consistent, efficient and reliable.

DevOps Monitoring & Tools for Developers

Emerging trends such as microservices, containerization, elastic storage, Software Defined Networking, API performance, Auth failures, Hybrid clouds, etc., all keep pushing the boundaries of what constitutes DevOps Monitoring and tooling for devs. The number of endpoints and the variety of metrics that need monitoring force a reconsideration of the one-size-fits all mentality. Modern DevOps monitoring and DevTools need to be flexible enough to handle unique application and infrastructure metrics on a common framework.

Real-Time Analytics

The volume of metrics and events is beyond what any human is able to realistically interpret and take action. Machine learning with real-time analytics is crucial in finding the signal from the noise. Whether the organization needs real-time analytics to buy and sell equities, perform predictive maintenance on a machine before it fails, adjust prices based on customer behavior: processing, analyzing and acting on the time series data in real-time is the problem to solve.

Key customers

InfluxData has more than 1,900 paying customers, including customers include MuleSoft, IBM, PayPal, Siemens, Tesla.

Learn more InfluxData's customers across every industry here.

Market metrics

Fastest-growing database to drive 27,500 GitHub stars

Over 750,000 daily active instances

Licensing and pricing models

Open source core with closed source clustering available either on-premise or on the cloud as a managed service. All offerings are available via subscription. 


Learn to Forecast Time Series Data Using ML & InfluxDB
6. Februar 2025

CLI Operations for InfluxDB 3 Core and Enterprise
4. Februar 2025

Get Started with the TIG Stack and InfluxDB Core
24. Januar 2025

How Does InfluxDB 3 Query Data in Real-Time?
22. Januar 2025

Using the Python Client Library with InfluxDB v3 Core
15. Januar 2025

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Weitere Ressourcen
DB-Engines Blog Posts

Why Build a Time Series Data Platform?
20. Juli 2017, Paul Dix (guest author)

Time Series DBMS are the database category with the fastest increase in popularity
4. Juli 2016, Matthias Gelbmann

Time Series DBMS as a new trend?
1. Juni 2015, Paul Andlinger

alle anzeigen

Erwähnungen in aktuellen Nachrichten

InfluxDB 3 Core Released In Public Alpha
3. Februar 2025, iProgrammer

Simplify Industrial IoT: Use InfluxDB edge replication for centralized time series analytics with Amazon Timestream
3. September 2024, AWS Blog

InfluxData avoids ’AI magic beans’ in InfluxDB time series database update for enterprises
4. September 2024, VentureBeat

Siemens Energy Standardizes Predictive Maintenance Operations on InfluxDB
26. September 2024, Business Wire

InfluxData makes performance, storage improvements to InfluxDB 3.0
4. September 2024, InfoWorld

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