Applying Graph Analytics to Game of Thrones
von Amy Hodler & Mark Needham, Neo4j (guest author), 12. Juni 2019
In this post, we review how organizations are integrating graph transactions and analytic processing and then dive deeper into graph algorithms. We’ll provide examples of using graph algorithms on Game of Thrones data to illustrate how to get started. Note that portions of this content have been taken from our O’Reilly book, Graph Algorithms: Practical Examples in Apache Spark & Neo4j, which you can download for free.
» mehrMySQL, PostgreSQL and Redis are the winners of the March ranking
von Paul Andlinger, 2. März 2016
While the open-source DBMS show a very good performance in this months ranking, we monitor some popularity drops for the large commercial systems.
» mehrThe openCypher Project: Help Shape the SQL for Graphs
von Emil Eifrem (guest author), 22. Dezember 2015
Learn how you can get involved with the graph database community’s newest collaboration: the openCypher project, an open source query language for graphs.
» mehrGraph DBMS increased their popularity by 500% within the last 2 years
von Paul Andlinger, 3. März 2015
Graph DBMS show an extraordinary momentum and are making their way into enterprises.
» mehrGraph DBMSs are gaining in popularity faster than any other database category
von Matthias Gelbmann, 21. Januar 2014
When we look at how much various categories of database management systems increased their popularity last year, Graph DBMSs are the clear winner with more than 250% increase.
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