Blog > Tags > Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse
Cloud-based DBMS's popularity grows at high rates
by Paul Andlinger, 12 December 2019
Cloud-based database management systems are continuously increasing in popularity. We analyze the trends and show the big players.
» moreAzure SQL Data Warehouse, the hub for a trusted and performance optimized cloud data warehouse
by Arnaud Comet, Microsoft (sponsor) , 1 November 2017
Today, with the proliferation of data sources and the need to be data-driven, it is hard for companies to avoid siloed sources of information. Siloed data marts can represent an important increase in cost and potentially business opportunities. Centralizing data to provide more complete datasets to your internal departments, suppliers or customers can become a competitive advantage. In the context of Hub & Spokes, Azure SQL Data Warehouse is optimized to provide the greatest experience as a hub thanks to its native integration with Azure SQL Database and Analysis Services (the spokes).
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