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DB-Engines Ranking coverage expanded to 169 database management systems
by Paul Andlinger, 3 June 2013
Every month since we started our ranking, we keep adding new systems. This happens when we add new categories of systems, for example search engines, or when we see system that gained some significance and recognition in the DBMS scene.
The most popular newcomer this month is dBASE, which, of course, has been around for decades. So long, in fact, that we made the mistake to underestimate its present-day significance and ignored it initially when we selected tools for our ranking. Only when some visitors asked us to include it, we discovered that it still has a very active user base. We were suprised to see job listings asking for dBASE experience, people are obviously still searching for it on Google, and plenty of people mention it in their skillset on LinkedIn. All of that brings dBASE up to an impressive rank 21 on the latest ranking. You can easily spot the other new entries in the ranking by looking for the tools that don't show a value for last month's rank.
There is one change in the top 10 spots: Sybase is now at rank 8, overtaking SQLite. A bit further down, we see HBase moving up to rank 15.
Notable changes in the category rankings include Elasticsearch climbing up to rank 2 in the search engines ranking at the expense of Sphinx.
We will keep adding new systems in the ranking, any proposals are always welcome.
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