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Teradata is the most popular data warehouse DBMS

by Paul Andlinger, 2 April 2013
Tags: Data warehouse, Teradata

We have added several database management systems specialized in data warehousing to our ranking, and Teradata comes out as most popular amongst them.

Database management systems that are specialized in performing enterprise analytics, as it is done typically in data warehouses, are essentially relational database systems, and that's how we classified them. Nevertheless their architectures and feature set are somewhat distinct from more generic RDBMS's (e.g. star schema, drill down etc.).

There are a fair number of this type of DBMS. If we rank them by popularity, these are the top 10:

  1. Teradata
  2. Netezza
  3. Vertica
  4. Greenplum
  6. Infobright
  7. ParAccel
  8. Kognitio
  9. InfiniDB
  10. 1010data

It may be unfair to exclude systems such as Oracle and SQL Server from that list, as they are quite often used in data warehouses as well, but this is the list of systems specifically designed and optimized for exactly that type of work.

You can find these tools in the complete DB-Engines ranking, and examine how their popularity compares to other types of database systems.

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