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DBMS > HEAVY.AI vs. Kyligence Enterprise vs. Lovefield

System Properties Comparison HEAVY.AI vs. Kyligence Enterprise vs. Lovefield

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Editorial information provided by DB-Engines
NameHEAVY.AI infoFormerly named 'OmniSci', rebranded to 'HEAVY.AI' in March 2022  Xexclude from comparisonKyligence Enterprise  Xexclude from comparisonLovefield  Xexclude from comparison
DescriptionA high performance, column-oriented RDBMS, specifically developed to harness the massive parallelism of modern CPU and GPU hardwareA distributed analytics engine for big data, built on top of Apache KylinEmbeddable relational database for web apps written in pure JavaScript
Primary database modelRelational DBMSRelational DBMSRelational DBMS
Secondary database modelsSpatial DBMS
DB-Engines Ranking infomeasures the popularity of database management systemsranking trend
Trend Chart
Rank#161  Overall
#72  Relational DBMS
Rank#276  Overall
#126  Relational DBMS
Rank#322  Overall
#143  Relational DBMS
Technical documentationdocs.heavy.aigithub.com/­google/­lovefield/­blob/­master/­docs/­spec_index.md
DeveloperHEAVY.AI, Inc.Kyligence, Inc.Google
Initial release201620162014
Current release5.10, January 20222.1.12, February 2017
License infoCommercial or Open SourceOpen Source infoApache Version 2; enterprise edition availablecommercialOpen Source infoApache 2.0
Cloud-based only infoOnly available as a cloud servicenonono
DBaaS offerings (sponsored links) infoDatabase as a Service

Providers of DBaaS offerings, please contact us to be listed.
Implementation languageC++ and CUDAJavaJavaScript
Server operating systemsLinuxLinuxserver-less, requires a JavaScript environment (browser, Node.js) infotested with Chrome, Firefox, IE, Safari
Data schemeyesyesyes
Typing infopredefined data types such as float or dateyesyesyes
XML support infoSome form of processing data in XML format, e.g. support for XML data structures, and/or support for XPath, XQuery or XSLT.nonono
Secondary indexesnoyesyes
SQL infoSupport of SQLyesANSI SQL for queries (using Apache Calcite)SQL-like query language infovia JavaScript builder pattern
APIs and other access methodsJDBC
Supported programming languagesAll languages supporting JDBC/ODBC/Thrift
Server-side scripts infoStored proceduresnono
TriggersnoUsing read-only observers
Partitioning methods infoMethods for storing different data on different nodesSharding infoRound robinnone
Replication methods infoMethods for redundantly storing data on multiple nodesMulti-source replicationnone
MapReduce infoOffers an API for user-defined Map/Reduce methodsnoyesno
Consistency concepts infoMethods to ensure consistency in a distributed systemImmediate ConsistencyImmediate Consistency
Foreign keys infoReferential integritynoyes
Transaction concepts infoSupport to ensure data integrity after non-atomic manipulations of datanoACID
Concurrency infoSupport for concurrent manipulation of datayesyesyes
Durability infoSupport for making data persistentyesyesyes, by using IndexedDB or the cloud service Firebase Realtime Database
In-memory capabilities infoIs there an option to define some or all structures to be held in-memory only.yesnoyes infousing MemoryDB
User concepts infoAccess controlfine grained access rights according to SQL-standardno

More information provided by the system vendor

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and for displaying vendor-provided information such as key customers, competitive advantages and market metrics.

Related products and services

We invite representatives of vendors of related products to contact us for presenting information about their offerings here.

More resources
HEAVY.AI infoFormerly named 'OmniSci', rebranded to 'HEAVY.AI' in March 2022Kyligence EnterpriseLovefield
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11 September 2024, insideainews.com

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