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DBMS > GigaSpaces vs. Oracle Coherence

System Properties Comparison GigaSpaces vs. Oracle Coherence

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Editorial information provided by DB-Engines
NameGigaSpaces  Xexclude from comparisonOracle Coherence  Xexclude from comparison
DescriptionHigh performance in-memory data grid platform, powering three products: Smart Cache, Smart ODS (Operational Data Store), Smart Augmented TransactionsOracles in-memory data grid solution
Primary database modelDocument store
Object oriented DBMS infoValues are user defined objects
Key-value store
Secondary database modelsGraph DBMS
Search engine
DB-Engines Ranking infomeasures the popularity of database management systemsranking trend
Trend Chart
Rank#173  Overall
#29  Document stores
#6  Object oriented DBMS
Rank#132  Overall
#22  Key-value stores
Technical documentationdocs.gigaspaces.com/­latest/­landing.htmldocs.oracle.com/­en/­middleware/­standalone/­coherence
DeveloperGigaspaces TechnologiesOracle
Initial release20002007
Current release15.5, September 202014.1, August 2023
License infoCommercial or Open SourceOpen Source infoApache Version 2; Commercial licenses availablecommercial
Cloud-based only infoOnly available as a cloud servicenono
DBaaS offerings (sponsored links) infoDatabase as a Service

Providers of DBaaS offerings, please contact us to be listed.
Implementation languageJava, C++, .NetJava
Server operating systemsLinux
All OS with a Java VM
Data schemeschema-freeschema-free
Typing infopredefined data types such as float or dateyesyes
XML support infoSome form of processing data in XML format, e.g. support for XML data structures, and/or support for XPath, XQuery or XSLT.no infoXML can be used for describing objects metadatano
Secondary indexesyesno
SQL infoSupport of SQLSQL-99 for query and DML statementsno
APIs and other access methodsGigaSpaces LRMI
Spring Data
Supported programming languages.Net
Server-side scripts infoStored proceduresyesno
Triggersyes, event driven architectureyes infoLive Events
Partitioning methods infoMethods for storing different data on different nodesShardingSharding
Replication methods infoMethods for redundantly storing data on multiple nodesMulti-source replication infosynchronous or asynchronous
Source-replica replication infosynchronous or asynchronous
yes, with selectable consistency level
MapReduce infoOffers an API for user-defined Map/Reduce methodsyes infoMap-Reduce pattern can be built with XAP task executorsno
Consistency concepts infoMethods to ensure consistency in a distributed systemImmediate Consistency infoConsistency level configurable: ALL, QUORUM, ANYEventual Consistency
Immediate Consistency
Foreign keys infoReferential integritynono
Transaction concepts infoSupport to ensure data integrity after non-atomic manipulations of dataACIDconfigurable
Concurrency infoSupport for concurrent manipulation of datayesyes
Durability infoSupport for making data persistentyesyes infooptionally
In-memory capabilities infoIs there an option to define some or all structures to be held in-memory only.yesyes
User concepts infoAccess controlRole-based access controlauthentification to access the cache via certificates or http basic authentication

More information provided by the system vendor

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and for displaying vendor-provided information such as key customers, competitive advantages and market metrics.

Related products and services

We invite representatives of vendors of related products to contact us for presenting information about their offerings here.

More resources
GigaSpacesOracle Coherence
Recent citations in the news

Better governance of dynamic structured data in Generative AI with GigaSpaces eRAG | Amazon Web Services
10 December 2024, AWS Blog

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19 July 2023, CTech

GigaSpaces Announces Version 16.0 with Breakthrough Data Integration Tools to Ease Enterprises' Digital Transformation Challenges
3 November 2021, PR Newswire

Your occasional storage digest with GigaSpaces, Virtana and NAND ship data
7 December 2020, Blocks and Files

Selwood invests in new trucks with crane loaders for pipework deliveries
2 May 2024, World Pumps

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Oracle Critical Patch Update, January 2025 Security Update Review
22 January 2025, Qualys Blog

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7 January 2025, The Stack

Article: Using Oracle Coherence with Spring Batch for High-Performance Data Processing
2 July 2019, oracle.com

New solutions for Oracle WebLogic on Azure Virtual Machines
1 April 2021, azure.microsoft.com

Oracle Transforms Payments and Transaction Banking in the Cloud
18 September 2023, oracle.com

provided by Google News

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