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DBMS > DataFS vs. Immudb vs. Riak TS

System Properties Comparison DataFS vs. Immudb vs. Riak TS

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Editorial information provided by DB-Engines
NameDataFS  Xexclude from comparisonImmudb  Xexclude from comparisonRiak TS  Xexclude from comparison
DescriptionAll data is stored inside objects which are linked by so-called link attributes. Objects consist of classes which can be extended and de-extended at runtime. Graphs can be defined with a struct.An open source immutable (append-only) database with cryptographic verification which makes it tamper-resistant and fully auditable.Riak TS is a distributed NoSQL database optimized for time series data and based on Riak KV
Primary database modelObject oriented DBMSKey-value storeTime Series DBMS
Secondary database modelsGraph DBMSRelational DBMS
DB-Engines Ranking infomeasures the popularity of database management systemsranking trend
Trend Chart
Rank#381  Overall
#20  Object oriented DBMS
Rank#265  Overall
#39  Key-value stores
Rank#320  Overall
#27  Time Series DBMS
Technical documentationdev.mobiland.com/­Overview.xspdocs.immudb.iowww.tiot.jp/­riak-docs/­riak/­ts/­latest
DeveloperMobiland AGCodenotaryOpen Source, formerly Basho Technologies
Initial release201820202015
Current release1.1.263, October 20221.2.3, April 20223.0.0, September 2022
License infoCommercial or Open SourcecommercialOpen Source infoApache Version 2.0Open Source
Cloud-based only infoOnly available as a cloud servicenonono
DBaaS offerings (sponsored links) infoDatabase as a Service

Providers of DBaaS offerings, please contact us to be listed.
Implementation languageGoErlang
Server operating systemsWindowsBSD
Data schemeClasses, Structs, and Lists are written in proprietary DataTypeDefinitionLanguage (.dtdl) and Objects consisting of those are written in proprietary DataAccessDefinitionLanguage (.dadl)schema-freeschema-free
Typing infopredefined data types such as float or dateyesno
XML support infoSome form of processing data in XML format, e.g. support for XML data structures, and/or support for XPath, XQuery or XSLT.nonono
Secondary indexesnoyesrestricted
SQL infoSupport of SQLnoSQL-like syntaxyes, limited
APIs and other access methods.NET Client API
Proprietary client DLL
WinRT client
gRPC protocol
PostgreSQL wire protocol
Native Erlang Interface
Supported programming languages.Net
JavaScript (Node.js)
C infounofficial client library
C++ infounofficial client library
Clojure infounofficial client library
Dart infounofficial client library
Go infounofficial client library
Groovy infounofficial client library
Haskell infounofficial client library
JavaScript infounofficial client library
Lisp infounofficial client library
Perl infounofficial client library
Scala infounofficial client library
Smalltalk infounofficial client library
Server-side scripts infoStored proceduresnoErlang
Triggersno, except callback-events from server when changes happenednoyes infopre-commit hooks and post-commit hooks
Partitioning methods infoMethods for storing different data on different nodesProprietary Sharding systemShardingSharding
Replication methods infoMethods for redundantly storing data on multiple nodesselectable replication factor
MapReduce infoOffers an API for user-defined Map/Reduce methodsnonoyes
Consistency concepts infoMethods to ensure consistency in a distributed systemImmediate ConsistencyImmediate ConsistencyEventual Consistency
Foreign keys infoReferential integrityyesnono infolinks between datasets can be stored
Transaction concepts infoSupport to ensure data integrity after non-atomic manipulations of dataACIDACIDno
Concurrency infoSupport for concurrent manipulation of datayesyesyes
Durability infoSupport for making data persistentyesyesyes
In-memory capabilities infoIs there an option to define some or all structures to be held in-memory only.nono
User concepts infoAccess controlWindows-Profileno

More information provided by the system vendor

We invite representatives of system vendors to contact us for updating and extending the system information,
and for displaying vendor-provided information such as key customers, competitive advantages and market metrics.

Related products and services

We invite representatives of vendors of related products to contact us for presenting information about their offerings here.

More resources
DataFSImmudbRiak TS
Recent citations in the news

Codenotary Releases immudb v1.9DOM
19 October 2023, Business Wire

A Step by Step Guide to immudb — the open source immutable database
18 May 2020, hackernoon.com

Immudb: Open-source database, built on a zero trust model
17 December 2021, Help Net Security

Codenotary brings its immutable database to the cloud
21 June 2023, TechCrunch

immudb First Immutable Database to Provide Extension to Ethereum Blockchain
29 September 2022, Business Wire

provided by Google News

Basho DB Targets IoT, Goes Open Source
5 May 2016, Datanami

Best open source databases for IoT applications
26 May 2017, Open Source For You

provided by Google News

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