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DBMS > Apache Kylin vs. Sphinx vs. TerminusDB

System Properties Comparison Apache Kylin vs. Sphinx vs. TerminusDB

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Editorial information provided by DB-Engines
NameApache Kylin  Xexclude from comparisonSphinx  Xexclude from comparisonTerminusDB infoformer name was DataChemist  Xexclude from comparison
DescriptionA distributed analytics engine for big data, providing a SQL interface and multi-dimensional analysis (OLAP) and leveraging the Hadoop stackOpen source search engine for searching in data from different sources, e.g. relational databasesScalable Graph Database platform making enterprise data available by exploiting inferred entities and relationships
Primary database modelRelational DBMSSearch engineGraph DBMS
Secondary database modelsDocument store
RDF store
DB-Engines Ranking infomeasures the popularity of database management systemsranking trend
Trend Chart
Rank#178  Overall
#81  Relational DBMS
Rank#56  Overall
#5  Search engines
Rank#339  Overall
#32  Graph DBMS
Technical documentationkylin.apache.org/­docssphinxsearch.com/­docsterminusdb.github.io/­terminusdb/­#
DeveloperApache Software Foundation, originally contributed from eBay IncSphinx Technologies Inc.DataChemist Ltd.
Initial release201520012018
Current release3.1.0, July 20203.5.1, February 202311.0.0, January 2023
License infoCommercial or Open SourceOpen Source infoApache Version 2.0Open Source infoGPL version 2, commercial licence availableOpen Source infoGPL V3
Cloud-based only infoOnly available as a cloud servicenonono
DBaaS offerings (sponsored links) infoDatabase as a Service

Providers of DBaaS offerings, please contact us to be listed.
Implementation languageJavaC++Prolog, Rust
Server operating systemsLinuxFreeBSD
Data schemeyesyesyes
Typing infopredefined data types such as float or dateyesnoyes
XML support infoSome form of processing data in XML format, e.g. support for XML data structures, and/or support for XPath, XQuery or XSLT.nono
Secondary indexesyesyes infofull-text index on all search fields
SQL infoSupport of SQLANSI SQL for queries (using Apache Calcite)SQL-like query language (SphinxQL)SQL-like query language (WOQL)
APIs and other access methodsJDBC
Proprietary protocolOWL
WOQL (Web Object Query Language)
Supported programming languagesC++ infounofficial client library
Perl infounofficial client library
Ruby infounofficial client library
Server-side scripts infoStored proceduresnoyes
Partitioning methods infoMethods for storing different data on different nodesSharding infoPartitioning is done manually, search queries against distributed index is supportedGraph Partitioning
Replication methods infoMethods for redundantly storing data on multiple nodesnoneJournaling Streams
MapReduce infoOffers an API for user-defined Map/Reduce methodsyesnono
Consistency concepts infoMethods to ensure consistency in a distributed systemImmediate Consistency
Foreign keys infoReferential integritynoyes
Transaction concepts infoSupport to ensure data integrity after non-atomic manipulations of datanoACID
Concurrency infoSupport for concurrent manipulation of datayesyesyes
Durability infoSupport for making data persistentyesyes infoThe original contents of fields are not stored in the Sphinx index.yes infoin-memory journaling
In-memory capabilities infoIs there an option to define some or all structures to be held in-memory only.no
User concepts infoAccess controlnoRole-based access control

More information provided by the system vendor

We invite representatives of system vendors to contact us for updating and extending the system information,
and for displaying vendor-provided information such as key customers, competitive advantages and market metrics.

Related products and services

We invite representatives of vendors of related products to contact us for presenting information about their offerings here.

More resources
Apache KylinSphinxTerminusDB infoformer name was DataChemist
DB-Engines blog posts

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Recent citations in the news

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3 January 2020, iProgrammer

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1 May 2017, oreilly.com

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21 October 2022, KDnuggets

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9 December 2024, Blocks and Files

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1 March 2024, Netguru

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