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DBMS > Amazon CloudSearch vs. GigaSpaces vs. Redis

System Properties Comparison Amazon CloudSearch vs. GigaSpaces vs. Redis

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Editorial information provided by DB-Engines
NameAmazon CloudSearch  Xexclude from comparisonGigaSpaces  Xexclude from comparisonRedis  Xexclude from comparison
DescriptionA hosted search engine service by Amazon with the data stored in Amazons cloudHigh performance in-memory data grid platform, powering three products: Smart Cache, Smart ODS (Operational Data Store), Smart Augmented TransactionsPopular in-memory data platform used as a cache, message broker, and database that can be deployed on-premises, across clouds, and hybrid environments infoRedis focuses on performance so most of its design decisions prioritize high performance and very low latencies.
Primary database modelSearch engineDocument store
Object oriented DBMS infoValues are user defined objects
Key-value store infoMultiple data types and a rich set of operations, as well as configurable data expiration, eviction and persistence
Secondary database modelsGraph DBMS
Search engine
Document store infowith RedisJSON
Graph DBMS infowith RedisGraph
Spatial DBMS
Search engine infowith RediSearch
Time Series DBMS infowith RedisTimeSeries
Vector DBMS
DB-Engines Ranking infomeasures the popularity of database management systemsranking trend
Trend Chart
Rank#135  Overall
#12  Search engines
Rank#173  Overall
#29  Document stores
#6  Object oriented DBMS
Rank#6  Overall
#1  Key-value stores
Technical documentationdocs.aws.amazon.com/­cloudsearchdocs.gigaspaces.com/­latest/­landing.htmldocs.redis.com/­latest/­index.html
DeveloperAmazonGigaspaces TechnologiesRedis project core team, inspired by Salvatore Sanfilippo infoDevelopment sponsored by Redis Inc.
Initial release201220002009
Current release15.5, September 20207.2.5, May 2024
License infoCommercial or Open SourcecommercialOpen Source infoApache Version 2; Commercial licenses availableOpen Source infosource-available extensions (modules), commercial licenses for Redis Enterprise
Cloud-based only infoOnly available as a cloud serviceyesnono
DBaaS offerings (sponsored links) infoDatabase as a Service

Providers of DBaaS offerings, please contact us to be listed.
Implementation languageJava, C++, .NetC
Server operating systemshostedLinux
Windows infoported and maintained by Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc.
Data schemeyesschema-freeschema-free
Typing infopredefined data types such as float or dateyesyespartial infoSupported data types are strings, hashes, lists, sets and sorted sets, bit arrays, hyperloglogs and geospatial indexes
XML support infoSome form of processing data in XML format, e.g. support for XML data structures, and/or support for XPath, XQuery or XSLT.no infoXML can be used for describing objects metadatano
Secondary indexesyes infoall search fields are automatically indexedyesyes infowith RediSearch module
SQL infoSupport of SQLnoSQL-99 for query and DML statementswith RediSQL module
APIs and other access methodsHTTP APIGigaSpaces LRMI
Spring Data
proprietary protocol infoRESP - REdis Serialization Protocol
Supported programming languages.Net
JavaScript (Node.js)
Pure Data
Visual Basic
Server-side scripts infoStored proceduresnoyesLua; Redis Functions coming in Redis 7 (slides and Github)
Triggersnoyes, event driven architecturepublish/subscribe channels provide some trigger functionality; RedisGears
Partitioning methods infoMethods for storing different data on different nodesyes infoautomatic partitioning across Amazon Search Instance as requiredShardingSharding infoAutomatic hash-based sharding with support for hash-tags for manual sharding
Replication methods infoMethods for redundantly storing data on multiple nodesyes infomanaged transparently by AWSMulti-source replication infosynchronous or asynchronous
Source-replica replication infosynchronous or asynchronous
Multi-source replication infowith Redis Enterprise Pack
Source-replica replication infoChained replication is supported
MapReduce infoOffers an API for user-defined Map/Reduce methodsnoyes infoMap-Reduce pattern can be built with XAP task executorsthrough RedisGears
Consistency concepts infoMethods to ensure consistency in a distributed systemImmediate Consistency infoConsistency level configurable: ALL, QUORUM, ANYEventual Consistency
Causal consistency can be enabled in Active-Active databases
Strong consistency with Redis Raft
Strong eventual consistency with Active-Active
Foreign keys infoReferential integritynonono
Transaction concepts infoSupport to ensure data integrity after non-atomic manipulations of datanoACIDAtomic execution of command blocks and scripts and optimistic locking
Concurrency infoSupport for concurrent manipulation of datayesyesyes infoData access is serialized by the server
Durability infoSupport for making data persistentyesyesyes infoConfigurable mechanisms for persistency via snapshots and/or operations logs
In-memory capabilities infoIs there an option to define some or all structures to be held in-memory only.yesyes
User concepts infoAccess controlauthentication via encrypted signaturesRole-based access controlAccess Control Lists (ACLs): redis.io/­docs/­management/­security/­acl
LDAP and Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for Redis Enterprise
Mutual TLS authentication: redis.io/­docs/­management/­security/­encryption
Password-based authentication

More information provided by the system vendor

We invite representatives of system vendors to contact us for updating and extending the system information,
and for displaying vendor-provided information such as key customers, competitive advantages and market metrics.

Related products and services
3rd partiesCData: Connect to Big Data & NoSQL through standard Drivers.
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We invite representatives of vendors of related products to contact us for presenting information about their offerings here.

More resources
Amazon CloudSearchGigaSpacesRedis
DB-Engines blog posts

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Recent citations in the news

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AWS is quietly killing off some services under its new CEO
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Amazon CloudSearch – Start Searching in One Hour for Less Than $100 / Month
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