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DBMS > Graph Engine vs. Redis vs. RethinkDB

Vergleich der Systemeigenschaften Graph Engine vs. Redis vs. RethinkDB

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Redaktionelle Informationen bereitgestellt von DB-Engines
NameGraph Engine infoformer name: Trinity  Xaus Vergleich ausschliessenRedis  Xaus Vergleich ausschliessenRethinkDB  Xaus Vergleich ausschliessen
KurzbeschreibungA distributed in-memory data processing engine, underpinned by a strongly-typed RAM store and a general distributed computation enginePopular in-memory data platform used as a cache, message broker, and database that can be deployed on-premises, across clouds, and hybrid environments infoRedis legt höchsten Wert auf Performanz. Bei Designentscheidungen wird typischerweise Performanz der Vorzug vor Features oder Speicherbedarf gegeben.DBMS for the Web with a mechanism to push updated query results to applications in realtime.
Primäres DatenbankmodellGraph DBMS
Key-Value Store
Key-Value Store infoMultiple data types and a rich set of operations, as well as configurable data expiration, eviction and persistenceDocument Store
Sekundäre DatenbankmodelleDocument Store infowith RedisJSON
Graph DBMS infowith RedisGraph
Spatial DBMS
Suchmaschine infowith RediSearch
Time Series DBMS infowith RedisTimeSeries
Vektor DBMS
Spatial DBMS
DB-Engines Ranking infomisst die Popularität von Datenbankmanagement- systemenranking trend
Trend Chart
Rang#241  Overall
#21  Graph DBMS
#35  Key-Value Stores
Rang#6  Overall
#1  Key-Value Stores
Rang#107  Overall
#20  Document Stores
Technische Dokumentationwww.graphengine.io/­docs/­manualdocs.redis.com/­latest/­index.html
EntwicklerMicrosoftRedis project core team, inspired by Salvatore Sanfilippo infoEntwicklung von Redis Inc finanziertThe Linux Foundation infosince July 2017
Aktuelle Version7.2.5, Mai 20242.4.1, August 2020
Lizenz infoCommercial or Open SourceOpen Source infoMIT LicenseOpen Source infosource-available extensions (modules), commercial licenses for Redis EnterpriseOpen Source infoApache Version 2
Ausschließlich ein Cloud-Service infoNur als Cloud-Service verfügbarneinneinnein
DBaaS Angebote (gesponserte Links) infoDatabase as a Service

Providers of DBaaS offerings, please contact us to be listed.
Implementierungssprache.NET and CCC++
Server Betriebssysteme.NETBSD
Windows infoportiert und gewartet durch Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc.
Typisierung infovordefinierte Datentypen, z.B. float oder datejateilweise infoSupported data types are strings, hashes, lists, sets and sorted sets, bit arrays, hyperloglogs and geospatial indexesja infostring, binary, float, bool, date, geometry
XML Unterstützung infoVerarbeitung von Daten in XML Format, beispielsweise Speicherung von XML-Strukturen und/oder Unterstützung von XPath, XQuery, XSLTneinneinnein
Sekundärindizesja infowith RediSearch moduleja
SQL infoSupport of SQLneinwith RediSQL modulenein
APIs und andere ZugriffskonzepteRESTful HTTP APIProprietäres Protokoll infoRESP - REdis Serialization Protocol
Unterstützte ProgrammiersprachenC#
Visual Basic
JavaScript (Node.js)
Pure Data
Visual Basic
C infocommunity-supported driver
C# infocommunity-supported driver
C++ infocommunity-supported driver
Clojure infocommunity-supported driver
Dart infocommunity-supported driver
Erlang infocommunity-supported driver
Go infocommunity-supported driver
Haskell infocommunity-supported driver
Java infoofficial driver
JavaScript (Node.js) infoofficial driver
Lisp infocommunity-supported driver
Lua infocommunity-supported driver
Objective-C infocommunity-supported driver
Perl infocommunity-supported driver
PHP infocommunity-supported driver
Python infoofficial driver
Ruby infoofficial driver
Scala infocommunity-supported driver
Server-seitige Scripts infoStored ProceduresjaLua; Redis Functions coming in Redis 7 (slides and Github)
Triggersneinpublish/subscribe channels provide some trigger functionality; RedisGearsClient-side triggers through changefeeds
Partitionierungsmechanismen infoMethoden zum Speichern von unterschiedlichen Daten auf unterschiedlichen Knotenhorizontale PartitionierungSharding infoAutomatic hash-based sharding with support for hash-tags for manual shardingSharding inforange based
Replikationsmechanismen infoMethoden zum redundanten Speichern von Daten auf mehreren KnotenMulti-Source Replikation infowith Redis Enterprise Pack
Source-Replica Replikation infoChained replication wird unterstützt
Source-Replica Replikation
MapReduce infoBietet ein API für Map/Reduce Operationenthrough RedisGearsja
Konsistenzkonzept infoMethoden zur Sicherstellung der Konsistenz in einem verteilten SystemEventual Consistency
Causal consistency can be enabled in Active-Active databases
Strong consistency with Redis Raft
Strong eventual consistency with Active-Active
Immediate Consistency
Fremdschlüssel inforeferenzielle Integritätneinneinnein
Transaktionskonzept infoUnterstützung zur Sicherstellung der Datenintegrität bei nicht-atomaren DatenmanipulationenneinAtomic execution of command blocks and scripts and optimistic lockingAtomic single-document operations
Concurrency infoUnterstützung von gleichzeitig ausgeführten Datenmanipulationenjaja infoDatenzugriffe werden vom Server serialisiertja infoMVCC based
Durability infoDauerhafte Speicherung der Datenoptional: either by committing a write-ahead log (WAL) to the local persistent storage or by dumping the memory to a persistent storageja infokonfigurierbare Persistenzmechanismen via snapshots oder logsja
In-Memory Unterstützung infoGibt es Möglichkeiten einige oder alle Strukturen nur im Hauptspeicher zu haltenjajanein
Berechtigungskonzept infoZugriffskontrolleAccess Control Lists (ACLs): redis.io/­docs/­management/­security/­acl
LDAP and Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for Redis Enterprise
Mutual TLS authentication: redis.io/­docs/­management/­security/­encryption
Password-based authentication
ja infousers and table-level permissions

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Weitere Ressourcen
Graph Engine infoformer name: TrinityRedisRethinkDB
DB-Engines Blog Posts

PostgreSQL is the DBMS of the Year 2018
2. Januar 2019, Paul Andlinger, Matthias Gelbmann

MySQL, PostgreSQL and Redis are the winners of the March ranking
2. März 2016, Paul Andlinger

MongoDB is the DBMS of the year, defending the title from last year
7. Januar 2015, Paul Andlinger, Matthias Gelbmann

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Meet some database management systems you are likely to hear more about in the future
4. August 2014, Paul Andlinger

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Erwähnungen in aktuellen Nachrichten

30. Oktober 2010, microsoft.com

The graph analytics landscape 2019
27. Februar 2019, Data Science Central

IBM releases Graph, a service that can outperform SQL databases
27. Juli 2016, GeekWire

thatDot launches Quine, a streaming graph engine
23. Februar 2022, TechCrunch

How Google and Microsoft taught search to “understand” the Web
6. Juni 2012, Ars Technica

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Majority of Redis users considering alternatives after less permissive licensing move
4. Februar 2025, MSN

Redis Inc seeks control over future of Rust redis-rs client library, amid talk of trademark concerns
27. November 2024, DevClass

Best of 2024: Valkey is Rapidly Overtaking Redis
23. Dezember 2024, DevOps.com

Flight to Valkey appears to be response to removal of Redis’ open source license
12. September 2024, Techzine Europe

Redis Improves Performance of Vector Semantic Search with Multi-Threaded Query Engine
19. Juli 2024, InfoQ.com

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How to Use RethinkDB with Node.js Applications
7. November 2024, SitePoint

An introduction to building realtime apps with RethinkDB
9. Juli 2022, devm.io

How to deploy RethinkDB using Docker
14. Februar 2018, packtpub.com

NoSQL Software Market May See Big Move | MongoDB, MarkLogic, RethinkDB
10. Juni 2022, openPR

MongoDB: The Popular Database for the Internet of Things
15. August 2023, Open Source For You

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